Fifth Month

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Baptisim day4/2/06 10:07 AM
support group for Royce4/2/06 7:00 PM
Lots of helpers4/2/06 8:31 PM
Laughing with crazy lady4/2/06 8:36 PM
beer for baby?4/2/06 8:42 PM
quatro generacions (but no tequila)4/2/06 7:11 PM
mighty oaks holding up baby3/31/06 11:30 AM
notice the spit marks? Royce has good aim.4/1/06 2:12 PM
baby's room4/2/06 7:12 PM
more fish than in the ocean4/2/06 7:13 PM
I can hold my own bottle!4/2/06 8:11 PM
finger! tongue! wow!4/2/06 8:45 PM
I want my finger back!4/2/06 8:45 PM
Doctors visit, uh oh!3/16/06 9:34 AM
Four month doctor visit, 25 1/8 inches, 16 lbs 12 oz3/16/06 9:47 AM
fire bug3/19/06 7:01 PM

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