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11/16/05 1:18 AM
John in scrubs
11/16/05 1:26 AM
Have you ever seen a Doctor that looks this scary?
11/16/05 1:26 AM
1:29 AM -- in the morning!
11/16/05 2:08 AM
coming out... (viewer discrection advised)
11/16/05 2:09 AM
First cry...(viewer discrection advised)
11/16/05 3:08 PM
2:11 am, he's here "sooner" than expected!
11/16/05 2:09 AM
cutting the cord (viewer discrection advised)
11/16/05 2:11 AM
1st checkup
11/16/05 2:11 AM
healthy baby
11/16/05 2:11 AM
click on toys r us link
11/16/05 2:17 AM
Royce, meet mom.
11/16/05 2:17 AM
Did I really do this?
11/16/05 2:18 AM
mom's first loving gaze
11/16/05 2:18 AM
Mom, meet Royce.
11/16/05 2:19 AM
babys r us for clothes
11/16/05 2:21 AM
first burrito wrap
11/16/05 2:22 AM
7 lbs, 4.4 oz
11/16/05 2:30 AM
11/16/05 3:01 AM
11/16/05 3:01 AM
all exposed to the world

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